3.2.5-pre1 has been released
Joel Palmius
2007-11-29 09:08:00 UTC
A few minutes ago I posted 3.2.5-pre1 to freshmeat. Changelog is as

Pre-release 3.2.5-pre1
* Add customizable mustanswer message in CUSTOM (patch from George
* Tested Mod_Survey with apache 2.2 (works without problem)
* Fixed bug with pipe sign as delimiter in delimited fields
* Permit time() localtime() and crypt() in perl snippets
* Bug fixes for making mod_survey run under indigoperl in windows
* New windows.conf config file for running under windows
* New INSTALL-WINDOWS.txt installation instruction file

The windows compat is not perfect, but it works decently for single page
survey at the moment. I'll need to iron out a few hardcoded path
delimiters in the page merging code to make multipaging work.

I would appreciate help with testing mod_survey under windows if anyone
has some time to spare.

// Joel
Skickat av Joel Palmius <***@miun.se>
till survey-discussion
